Sponsor info
The Memorial Day Pub Run wouldn't occur without the help of our title sponsors. Well it probably would, but it wouldn't be awesome like it is without them. Well, it probably would still be pretty damn awesome. Let's just say we like our sponsors. HOOOOOORAY SPONSORS!
Please do whatever you can to literally and figuratively throw lots of dollar signs at them!
Interested in becoming a Memorial Day Pub Run sponsor? Contact our sponsorship director. We'll take just about anyone!
HTTP Hosting & Design
HTTP Hosting & Design has been providing cost effective website hosting and design services for over 10 years for a variety of clients and needs.
Learn more at http://www.httphosts.com.
Schmiddy Brewing
A proud brewing tradition of internationally-inspired specialty craft beers, now with twice as much rich history as we had a year ago! Since its founding in 2010, Schmiddy's continues to provide award winning favorites to family, friends, and innocent bystanders. A nice, cold Schmiddy's is perfect refreshment during Pub Runs and non-Pub Run runs alike! New selections for the 2013 limited edition Pub-Run lineup include "Chévre Noire Farmhouse Saison" and "To Be Named Ale."
Schmiddy's Altbier voted "greatest tailgate beer of all time" by a guy in a Scott Norwood jersey, and Schmiddy's One-Heart IPA designated as Mike Mason's beer of the month in March 2013.
Donnelly Design
Honory Sponsor as they helped us design this. Design for those who don't like living on the edge. We at Donnelly Design pride ourselves in taking the extraordinary and making it ordinary.
We feel there's just not enough ordinary in this world, and we're here to make your image bland and mundane.
Proud sponsor of the Buffalo Pub Run series, where we do allow horses on the course.
