2018 Results - Alphabetical
Alphabetical results! Some call it fate, others call it good planning from birth. Some marry soley to win this division. Most just question why this is a thing! As always results are completely official except where they aren't. Any scoring disputes should be sent to the results committee.
Weather: Party Cloudy, 95 degrees,
Congrats to our alphabetical winners Sarah Anderson and Ramses Armendariz! This was Sarah's first ever Pub Run - amazing to come away with an alphabetical win! And yes, another year and another disappointing alphabetical finish from Mark Zimmer and Nick Wimmer.
Place | Gender Place | Name | Time | Notes |
1 | 1 | Sarah Anderson | 3:27:38 | Wore sweet shades, threw no shade |
2 | 1 | RAMSES ARMENDARIZ | 3:22:37 | Wanted sprinklers on the course |
3 | 2 | Dustin Benson | 3:40:56 | Zima |
4 | 3 | Derek Brandt | 3:11:29 | Strong debut, promises he'll break 3 next year. |
5 | 2 | Sarah Curry | 3:27:04 | Unclear if she runs marathons |
6 | 4 | Ryan Daye | 3:34:13 | Brought a 4-legged party crasher |
7 | 3 | Laura Donnelly | 3:53:13 | Helping you relive the boy band era one playlist at a time |
8 | 5 | Paul Donnelly | 4:39:26 | Still can't figure out how to get faster |
9 | 4 | Sarah Gant | 3:26:40 | Best dance moves |
10 | 5 | Lindsey Gjoraas | 3:27:20 | Going to throw in elevation training for next years pub run |
11 | 6 | Ryan Gjoraas | 3:21:55 | Hot long run didn't seem to affect his pub run. |
12 | 6 | Amanda Hammond | 3:40:18 | Realized beer support stops is good for her race training |
13 | 7 | Paul Hammond | 3:44:39 | Tightening up in between bars hurt time |
14 | 8 | Scott Helgeson | 3:07:22 | Strong rookie debut |
15 | 7 | Andrea Henning | 3:40:26 | So much raw bean bag talent |
16 | 9 | Mark Hesse | 3:28:40 | Sociable just like the cider he brought |
17 | 8 | Julia Hotek | 3:25:46 | Loves the Minnesota Vikings |
18 | 10 | Kiefer Hotek | 3:34:04 | Couldn't take home the win in pool either |
19 | 9 | Kristen Keller | 3:19:46 | Boom cup master |
20 | 11 | Jeremy Kersten | 3:03:56 | Best jugs of any male champion ever! (Of Beer) |
21 | 12 | Brian Lashinski | 3:25:47 | Most tan pub runner (self proclaimed) |
22 | 13 | Kevin Leiferman | 3:45:51 | Best vest |
23 | 10 | Hannah Lipps | 3:34:55 | Didn’t realize races could be this much fun |
24 | 11 | Klara Manning | 3:30:25 | Brought the most pitas to the yard |
25 | 12 | Nora McCall | 3:33:16 | Winner in the cutting-it-close-to-the-start division |
26 | 13 | Sarah Metzger | 3:08:34 | Has most pub run experience of anyone and used it to crush the field |
27 | 14 | Dave Meyer | 3:18:01 | Backstreet Boys lip sync champion |
28 | 15 | Chris Miller | 3:40:26 | Didn't expect running to be part of a pub run |
29 | 16 | Derrin Pierret | 3:31:03 | Traveled to Minneapolis to take part in this famous pub run |
30 | 14 | Lindsey Pierret | 3:15:56 | Best dressed for the occasion |
31 | 17 | Louis Prahl | 3:29:07 | Suggested changing area of research to drinking and or running |
32 | 15 | Michaela Read | 3:16:21 | True embodiment of pub run eliteness |
33 | 18 | Nick Roetker | 3:53:55 | Leaving pub run early hurt time. Winning pull tabs helped! |
34 | 16 | Mary Rutz | 3:36:46 | Came to MN to get away from the NC heat? |
35 | 17 | Anne Stemper | 3:32:51 | Best vintage bike and all the hipster swagger to go with it |
36 | 19 | Eric Stevenson | 3:40:29 | Didn't follow his own bib message. And wrassled |
37 | 20 | Tim Sullivan | 3:06:06 | Literally ran into walls trying to win |
38 | 21 | Joel Wegener | 3:31:37 | Couldn't quite live up to his King Joel bib |
39 | 22 | Eric Weisenburger | 3:32:06 | Finally got brought out to meet all of the CBRC |
40 | 23 | Nicholas Wimmer | 3:39:21 | Should start a downspout repair business |
41 | 24 | Mark Zimmer | 3:15:54 | Heroically saved us from having a sick dog on our hands |
Results are official and COMPLETELY represent what happened out there. Even if you find a mistake in the results the mistake is supposed to be there.
These results were in no way randomly generated.
I swear.
Spot an error? Contact Race Officials
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