2017 Results - Alphabetical
Alphabetical results! Some people are just born to win this division. Some marry wisely. Most just question why this is a thing! As always results are completely official except where they aren't. Any scoring disputes should be sent to the results committee.
Weather: Party Cloudy, 70 degrees, breezy
Congrats to our alphabetical winners Dan Caron and Laura Donnelly! This was Dan's first ever Pub Run - amazing to come away with an alphabetical win! I feel like I say this every year, but Zimmer, pick it up alphabetically next year.
Place | Gender Place | Name | Time | Notes |
1 | 1 | Dan Caron | 3:18:48 | Finally learned you can twist off the caps of bottled beer. |
2 | 1 | Lindsey Clark | DNF | Flights to Copenhagen might be awesome, but are they Pub Run Awesome?! (Probably) |
3 | 2 | Mike Davin | 2:57:33 | Got special permission to Pub Run from family and made the most of it. |
4 | 3 | Ryan Daye | 3:18:19 | Found car obstacles no challenge to a solid pub run time. |
5 | 2 | Laura Donnelly | 3:47:43 | Cutting the course to take care of puppies is noble, but ultimately hurts time. |
6 | 4 | Paul Donnelly | 4:04:50 | After taking a year off from Pub Running was just not in proper form to compete |
7 | 3 | Briana Fonda | 3:02:42 | A late addition to the field but almost came away with the win. |
8 | 4 | Sarah Gant | 3:20:57 | Super excited to play slap cup for a 2nd straight year! |
9 | 5 | Ryan Gjoraas | DNF | Had to catch a flight to Copenhagen |
10 | 5 | Andrea Henning | 3:18:23 | Part of Photo Phinish™ - But won on chip time |
11 | 6 | Mark Hesse | 3:18:28 | Ups his streak to 7 straight pub runs. Tied for lead. And tied with a lot of people! |
12 | 7 | David Hong | 3:16:40 | Led Pub Run marketing division by yelling 'Pub Run' at all the bars |
13 | 8 | Kiefer Hotek | 3:19:24 | Had a dominating billiards performance. |
14 | 9 | Russell Joseph | 3:19:46 | As official Pub Run Meterologist, did not give ample warning of impending storm! |
15 | 6 | Kristen Keller | 3:18:27 | Claims chip time was off, and claims to have outleaned rest of tight pack |
16 | 7 | Kelsey Koeller | 3:22:45 | Needs some practice forming the Woo Crew pyramid. |
17 | 8 | Klara Manning | 3:18:47 | Reminds Dan that Chip Time is where it's at! |
18 | 10 | Michael Mason | 3:30:10 | VIPs don't worry about their race time. |
19 | 9 | Jess McKenna | 3:18:24 | Strong kick to finish neck and neck with others! |
20 | 10 | Sarah Metzger | 3:09:03 | 7 time pub run vet wouldn't miss a Pub Run. |
21 | 11 | Dave Meyer | 3:08:30 | Strong Pub Run result predicts a strong race at Grandmas! |
22 | 12 | John Phillips | 3:29:01 | Wonders what he got himself into. |
23 | 11 | Lindsey Pierret | 3:13:31 | Did not get DQ'd this year, but did get yellow card for playing Connect 4 on serving station. |
24 | 12 | Julia Quindlen | 3:11:35 | Was the catalyst for an odd front yard game. |
25 | 13 | Michaela Read | 3:02:11 | Pub Ran her heart out and came away with the victory. No regrets on missing group shot for shots |
26 | 13 | Chris Schmidkamp | 3:02:42 | Elite grill master! Promises Schmidbrau next year in exchange for sponsorship |
27 | 14 | Phalec Screwhut | 3:25:42 | Was very confused and was looking for a purita all evening. Tried to convince people his name was 'Alec' |
28 | 14 | Christie Steffen | 3:05:21 | Still wore out from the pub run victory last year but still had a strong showing. |
29 | 15 | Anne Stemper | 3:18:17 | Fearless fence and puppy protector |
30 | 15 | Eric Stevenson | 2:53:31 | With no hosting duties could focus on crushing the Pub Run. |
31 | 16 | Joel Wegener | 3:24:36 | self-rated a '10 Perfect' |
32 | 17 | Nicholas Wimmer | 3:16:40 | Dominated the fence climbing division |
33 | 18 | Mark Zimmer | 3:14:01 | Hat wardrobe malfunctions hurt overall time. |
Results are official and COMPLETELY represent what happened out there. Even if you find a mistake in the results the mistake is supposed to be there.
These results were in no way randomly generated.
I swear.
Spot an error? Contact Race Officials
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