2011 Results - Alphabetical
Official results in the most competitive pub run to date! These are 100% accurate so if you feel you were short changed by race officials...ummm...yeah, if you feel short changed you probably were (in other words, please don't read too much into these results, people! In fact, I'd suggest you don't read them at all!)
Weather: Overcast, 67 degrees, winds light and variable
Congrats to our Alphabetical winners Brenna Anderson and Andrew Bauer! Craig Zeise, I expected more from you...
Place | Gender Place | Name | Time | Notes |
1 | 1 | Brenna Anderson | 4:09:48 | Tutus just aren't as aero as you'd expect |
2 | 1 | Andrew Bauer | 3:10:56 | Spectating in 2010 prepared him for strong finish in 2011 |
3 | 2 | Dustin Benson | 3:04:32 | Another strong performance but not quite enough |
4 | 2 | Jessie Benson | 3:31:00 | Proved she both belongs with the elites and can color coordinate |
5 | 3 | Brent Benusa | 3:23:02 | Home court advantage |
6 | 3 | Leah Bower | 4:17:49 | |
7 | 4 | Chris Briggs | 2:57:48 | Course record |
8 | 5 | Hal Brown | 3:52:49 | |
9 | 4 | Julia Curran | 4:02:52 | |
10 | 6 | Paul Donnelly | 4:20:39 | Swears to put forth a better effort next year |
11 | 5 | Abby Dornbusch | 4:11:53 | Her mom DOES in fact think she's cool |
12 | 6 | Lindsey Elstad | 4:07:00 | |
13 | 7 | Michael Fanous | 3:24:59 | Never count him out. Swears 2012 will be his year |
14 | 7 | Emily Fisher | 4:02:58 | Best post-race spectator crowd with Bailey the dog. |
15 | 8 | Amber Garry | 3:42:48 | Claims she let him win... |
16 | 8 | James Garry | 3:42:47 | Outkicked his wife - probably a bad idea... |
17 | 9 | Alexander Gloeckner | DNS | Flight delays do not help pub run times |
18 | 10 | Ben Harvey | 3:43:51 | No Gatorade mishaps this year! |
19 | 11 | Mark Hesse | 4:25:18 | Had he only gone for one more beer... |
20 | 12 | Steve Jewell | 3:55:56 | Winner of the '58 division! |
21 | 13 | Mat Johnston | 4:22:49 | Lack of a 2nd 'T' in his name cost him dearly... |
22 | 14 | Zack Kartak | 3:46:33 | |
23 | 15 | Steve Kelley | 4:15:49 | Time not indicative of pub run fitness - big PR coming soon! |
24 | 16 | Jeremy Kersten | 4:24:44 | Was never about time with him |
25 | 17 | Nate Kopp | 4:17:18 | |
26 | 18 | Michael Kraemer | 3:03:10 | Strong race, but stronger field this year |
27 | 9 | Karlene Kurtz | 3:24:32 | Not even traffic was going to deter her from the victory. Pressure is on in 2012 |
28 | 10 | Rachel Lande | 3:33:46 | Some say driving to the first bar is cheating...and it is. But we'll let it slide. |
29 | 11 | Caroline Landree | 4:20:32 | For some reason missed the start mat which hurt her time. Also handed $5 bill by creepy guy which threw her off |
30 | 19 | Mike Levad | 4:48:23 | Biking the course unfortunately does not help your time! |
31 | 12 | Emily Lewandowski | 3:39:58 | Just hit the Boston Qualifier. Send it in! |
32 | 20 | Pius Lossel | 4:12:49 | Typos galore! |
33 | 13 | Liz Martinson | 4:00:03 | Sadly missed 4 by just a little bit. |
34 | 21 | Michael Mason | 4:58:20 | Strong start - faded late . But our "Lantern Rouge" wins a Boost (think FourLoko) |
35 | 22 | Corey Maul | 3:23:19 | Will hack this time anyway... |
36 | 14 | Corey McClay | 3:51:50 | Good debut - look for big results in 2012 |
37 | 15 | Sarah Metzger | 3:52:19 | Not getting lost on course aided time! |
38 | 23 | Chris Miller | 3:32:52 | A pub run PR is always a good thing |
39 | 16 | Julie Mocadlo | 3:38:00 | Self-appointed "super-elite" runner should be happy in debut |
40 | 17 | Melissa Monson | DNS | Boo for being stuck at work. |
41 | 24 | Chuck O'Neil | 3:32:10 | His hips don't lie |
42 | 18 | Laura Oliver | 3:50:53 | First place in the coming off injury division! |
43 | 19 | Paulina Panich | 3:57:08 | Mega elite status wasn't quite enough |
44 | 25 | Andrew Pratt | 3:39:35 | |
45 | 20 | Shelly Rezec | 3:55:43 | |
46 | 26 | Rob Schneider | 3:34:56 | |
47 | 27 | Jared Smith | 2:59:30 | Ironman training fatigue probably cost him the win. The choices we make... |
48 | 21 | Jill Tatem | 3:26:37 | Dark horse nearly stole the race. Gunning for 2012 |
49 | 22 | Kelly Thiesse | 4:15:17 | |
50 | 28 | Paul Thompson | 3:59:25 | Just under 4! Possibly out until 4? |
51 | 29 | Joe Walton | 4:14:42 | |
52 | 30 | Craig Zeise | 3:24:57 | Really strong kick to just pass Fanous |
Results are official and COMPLETELY represent what happened out there. Even if you find a mistake in the results the mistake is supposed to be there.
These results were in no way randomly generated.
I swear.
Spot an error? Contact Race Officials
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